Changes effective on August 21, 2024:
To help cover ActivityHero operations, including our outstanding support team, a $0.99 ActivityHero Service Fee will be applied to all registrations $20 or more. This is a non-refundable fee paid by the purchaser and it is applied once at checkout. It will not apply to recurring charges such as monthly billing and payment plans.
This fee is added to all session prices if the total amount due is $20 or more, after discounts and available credits have been applied.
The ActivityHero Service Fee appears as a separate charge on the purchaser's credit card.
For registrations completed between December 12, 2023 to August 20 2024, the following service fee was charged:
To help cover ActivityHero operations, including our outstanding support team, a $1.99 ActivityHero Service Fee will be applied to all orders $30 or more. This is a non-refundable fee paid by the purchaser and it is applied once at checkout. It will not apply to recurring charges such as monthly billing and payment plans.
The fee is displayed at checkout if the total amount due is $30 or more, after discounts and available credits have been applied.
Who pays the service fee? The purchaser pays the service fee.
Will the fee be charged for every registration? The service fee is charged only one time per checkout, even if there are multiple sessions in the cart.
Will the fee be charged if a credit from a previous registration is used to pay for the new registration? If less than $20 is due after applying the credit, the fee will not be charged.
If the family wants to add extended care or switches to a session that is more expensive, will they pay the fee again? No, the fee is only charged once, at the time of the initial registration.
Where do purchasers see the service fee? The service fee is in shown in the total price if the amount due is $20 or more (after discounts and credits have been applied). The fee will be shown in their registration confirmation email and printable receipt.
Is the service fee refundable if the registration is refunded? No, the ActivityHero service fee is not refunded because it is charged with the order/checkout.
Why do some sessions have a Processing Fee? The activity provider may charge customers a processing fee to cover credit card and transaction fees. This is shown as a Processing Fee in the price details.