How Do I Import Activities?

Add multiple activities to ActivityHero using import templates. Save time and streamline your setup process by uploading all your activities in bulk with just a few simple steps.

For an overview of importing in ActivityHero for an idea about how locations, activities, sessions, and other data are related to each other check out our help article How do I import data into ActivityHero?

Import New Activities

1. Download the sample templates from the link below, and read the instructions on how to use the spreadsheet.


2. Edit the activities template making sure all of the required fields are complete. 
  • A Name, type, description, and registration form name are all required information.
  • Leave the activity_id blank. ActivityHero will automatically create an activity_id after upload. 
  • The activity name should be unique. If the activity_name matches an existing activity in ActivityHero, the activity will be updated instead of creating a new activity.
  • Categories help families find your activities. View a list of categories in our help article

3. Upload your CSV file by clicking the Upload a new file button. Be sure to select the Activity file type.

4. After uploading your CSV file, click the Validate button to see if your data is ready for import.11-2

5. If there are errors, you will see Validation Failed. Click View Report to inspect the reason for the failure. Correct any errors, and then repeat step 3. For tips on frequent validation errors check out the section below. 

6. When the file is validated successfully, the green 'Run' button will be available. Select this button to begin importing your information. This can take a few minutes, and changes may not be seen in the marketplace right away.


Common Activity Validation Errors

Below is a list of common validation errors and how you might address them:

Creating New Activities

A common issue when importing new activities is the inclusion of special characters in the activity_name. Ensure that no special characters are present. Additionally, make sure the activity_type is properly capitalized (Class, Camp, Birthday Party, Event, Online or On-Demand).

Activity Data Fields

Data fields (* required fields)

  • activity_id
  • activity_name *
  • activity_type (Class, Camp, Birthday Party, Event, Online or On-Demand) * - Type details can be found in your ActivityHero Dashboard.
  • activity_description * (may use HTML tags such as <br> or <strong>)
  • activity_categories (comma-separated list of Categories) *
  • activity_photos (comma-separated list of urls) - Only include new URLs in the activity_photos column. Duplication may occur if existing photo URLs are imported.  
  • registration_ends (when the session ends, when the session starts, before the session starts, before the session ends)
  • reg_cutoff_days (No. of days before session start date to stop accepting registrations)
  • student_teacher_ratio
  • registration_form_name* - The registration form name should be the name of the registration form in your Forms & Policies.
  • prerequisites
  • itinerary
  • remember_to_bring
  • private (true, false)
  • deprecated (true, false): using 'TRUE' will mark an activity 'Not Used'

Contact if you have questions or problems.