How Do I Create a Session for an Activity?

Sessions are the dates, days, and times associated with an activity. They can be considered schedules for your activities. ActivityHero gives you powerful tools to setup sessions for your activities. 

New Session gif


Create a New Session from an Activity


Navigate to your Dashboard. Hover over the Activities & Sessions tab and select Activity Manager. Find the activity you want to create a session for and click the plus button.

Build the Session

How to create a session (1)

You will be taken through the steps to create a session.The menu on the left shows each step, with the required steps marked by a red asterisk. A button at the bottom will become active once all required fields are completed. Click it to proceed or press Enter on your keyboard.


At any time while creating your session you can use the buttons at the stop of the screen to Preview, Discard, or Save. 

Preview - review how the session will look in the ActivityHero Marketplace. 

Discard - end the session creation process without saving any of the progress.

Save - end the session creation process and save all progress. 

Session Type


The first step is to name your session and choose a session type. The session name will appear on activity pages and widgets, so keep it clear and concise. Avoid repeating details like times, ages, or grades, as those will already be displayed. Good session names might include membership types or skill levels, such as Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced. However, adding a session name is optional and may not be necessary.

The first step is to name your session and select a session type. The name of the session will appear on activity pages and widgets. Make sure the description is accurate but not too long. It also shouldn’t repeat information already displayed like times, ages, and grades. Some examples of good session names  are names for membership sessions or skill level (e.g. beginner, intermediate, advanced). Select from the session type options below. 

Series - Use for a camp that offers multi-day and single-day pricing options or for a class series

Single Day - Use for a camp that only offers single-day pricing or for a class, event, or workshop with single meeting dates

Monthly Recurring - Use for classes offered monthly with recurring monthly payments

Custom Time Slots - Use for private 1:1, small groups or parties to offer multiple times slots within an availability calendar



Select the location for the session. All of your locations will be available to select from. To create a new location for this session click + add a new location and fill out the required fields to save. 

Ages & Grades


Using the options provided, select the age range for the session. Choose the appropriate age range for the session. You can specify age by year and add months if needed. You can also add grade levels by selecting + add grades too. If you add grades, ActivityHero will verify the participant matches the grade of the session instead of age. If there are no age restrictions, check allow all ages.

Dates & Times


Add the date and time details for the session:

Session Dates – Click the session dates field and select the first and last day of the session on the calendar.

Days of the Week – Select the days of the week when the session will meet.

Session Times – Set the session's start and end times in the designated fields to define its duration.

Time Zone – Choose the applicable time zone from the dropdown menu.



Enter the price for your session. If there’s only one pricing option, a session description isn’t necessary since the price applies to that session by default. If you offer multiple pricing options, you can add an Alternate Price. Enter the alternate price and use the Alternate Session Price Descriptor to clarify what it includes. The alternate price isn't intended for discounts. For more information on discounts check out our help article.  These descriptors help families understand the different pricing options.

Offer Prorated Price – If your session has already started and you want to allow late registrations, this option calculates the price based on the remaining sessions. You'll see the per-day calculated price as a reference for how late registration fees will be determined.

Allow Single Day – Checking this box enables single-day pricing. You can enter a Single Day Price, Single Day Price Descriptor, Alternate Single Day Price, and Alternate Single Day Price Descriptor. Use these the same way as session pricing to clarify different options for single-day registrations. If you only want to offer single-day pricing, simply remove the session price and save only the single-day pricing. ActivityHero will then display only the single-day pricing option.



The Availability settings allow you to set the number of spots for your session and determine how long registrations will be accepted.

Spot Count – Enter the number of spots available for registration. If you enter 0, the session will be marked as full, and only the waitlist option will be available. You can update the spot count for individual days after setting them. From your dashboard, go to Sessions & Content, find the session, and click Spots Available. You'll see a spot count for each day, which you can edit separately.

Begin Accepting Registrations – Choose when registrations will open from the dropdown menu:

  • Immediately – Registration opens as soon as the session is published.
  • At a Specific Date and Time – If selected, a date and time field will appear. Registration will open at the specified date and time.

Stop Accepting Registrations – Choose when registration should close from the following options:

  • When the session starts or when the session ends – The date, time, and time zone will be displayed in the bottom right corner for confirmation.
  • Before the session starts or before the session ends – Select the number of days before closure and specify the exact time. The date and time in the bottom right corner will update accordingly.
  • At a Specific Time and Date – Manually set the exact date and time when registration will close.

Extended Care


If you offer additional care times before or after your session, you can use the extended care options to display this to families.

  • Early Care: This is for any time before the normal session hours. Enter a time before your session starts, and the end time for early care will always be the time your session begins. You can also enter a price for early care, including a per day rate if applicable.
  • After Care: This is for any time after the normal session hours. Enter a time for when after care will end, and the start time will always be the end time of your session. You can also enter a price for after care, including a per-day rate if applicable.

Additionally, you can offer a combined option for both early and after care, with it’s own session price and a per-day price. These prices can be the same or different from the ones already set. Adding this option will allow families to select both early and after care services at the same time.

Post-Registration info


The Post-Registration Information section allows you to send additional information to families along with their registration confirmation email. This could include reminders about what to bring, specific meeting instructions, or any other helpful details.

The other options are not required to complete the session. If you're ready to finish, click Skip & Publish to complete the session creation.

If you'd like to add Additional Fees, Discounts, Payment Plans, or Scholarships, click the links to continue. We also have articles that provide more information about these options, which you can find linked below.

Additional Fees


Payment Plan
