ActivityHero makes attendance tracking easy, no matter what device you’re using. You can view participant information, mark attendance, and review attendance reports, all in one place.
Check-In & Check-Out
Accessing the Feature
- Navigate to your Dashboard.
- Click on the dashboard menu in the top right.
- Select Check In & Check Out from the list.
Filtering Participants
At the top of the screen, you’ll find a search bar and filters. These tools help you quickly find the participants you’re looking for.
Filters: Narrow down by location, activity, session, group, or date. Updating one filter will refine the options available in the other filters. This tool allows you to mark attendance for a single day at a time. Ensure you have selected the correct date before marking attendance. You can mark attendance for past or current sessions, but not for future sessions.
Searching: Use the search bar to find participants by name. Results will dynamically update as you type so typing just a few letters should find the participant you’re looking for.
Sorting: The list is sorted by first name by default. Use the sort dropdown to change the sorting and to view the list by last name.
Participant Information
From the list you’ll see some basic information for each participant, like their name, the activity they’re registered for, and the session name. Their extended care status will also be displayed. The sun icon represents early care and the moon icon represents after care.
Click on a participant to view all of their available information like.
- Status
- Basic Information
- Health Information
- Dental
- Contact
- Sibling
- Session Attending
- Medical Contact
- Emergency Contact
- Organization Information - Custom Questions
- Waivers Status
If you need to make any corrections, edit the time recorded or remove the marked from the participant details.
Marking Attendance
You can mark attendance by clicking the Check In button from the list. If your sessions are in-person and pickup authorizations are added to your registration forms, a staff member or family member can be marked for their check-in. Just click on their name and they will be listed as the person who checked the participant in and it will record the time. If you required signatures for checking in, then click add signature, and they can sign directly on the device. The signature will be recorded along with the other check-in information. If pickup authorizations are left off your registration forms then we’ll skip this process and clicking check-in will record the time.
You can also mark attendance from the participant information.
Group Attendance
To quickly mark attendance or view who hasn’t been checked in yet, use the dropdown menu at the top of the list. This lets you view participants who aren’t checked in, those who are checked in, those who are checked out, or select All to switch back to viewing your full list.
If you need to mark attendance for multiple participants at once, select the checkbox at the top to choose everyone or select individual checkboxes next to their names, then click Check In or Check Out. There will be a number on the button to let you know how many participants will be marked.
After clicking the button you’ll see a window that let’s you update the time attendance was recorded.
Attendance Reports
Daily Digital Attendance Report
ActivityHero provides helpful reports to review your attendance data like the Daily Digital Attendance Report.This report shows the participant attendance history of a single day. You can find this under Registrations & Payments and Registration Reports. Then in the left-hand menu you’ll see a category for Attendance Reports.
You can also use filters to find specific data. The report includes session details, participant information, attendance activity timestamps, groups, and a notes column for your records.
Filters work similarly to the filters in the Check-in & Check-out tool. If a single session is selected, then the session information will be displayed at the top of the list. If multiple sessions are selected, then there will be a session column and the session information for each participant will be displayed.
Note: Pay special attention to the Meeting Date filter so you’re reviewing the data for the date you expect.
Monthly Digital Attendance Report
The Monthly Digital Attendance Report gives you an overview of attendance for a selected date range. Like in other reports, selecting the filters narrows down the data that you’ll see. The filters work similarly to the Daily Digital Attendance report.
Note: Pay close attention to the Meeting Date Range to ensure you’re viewing the dates you expect.
The report will show participant information and marked attendance for each date: displaying a "P" for present, an "A" for absent, and gray squares for days the session didn’t meet.