How Do I Import Data Into ActivityHero?

Prepare your Activities, Sessions, Locations and more for easy upload into ActivityHero.

This article describes how to import location, activity or schedule information. Refer to this article to import registrations into ActivityHero.

The Data in ActivityHero

Untitled designActivityHero organizes your offerings into Activities that families can discover on our marketplace or directly on your page. These Activities represent summer camps, classes, events, or other programs your families participate in. Sessions define the schedules for your activities, including details such as dates, times, and days. Each session takes place at a specific Location, whether at your business, a park, or online. Together, Activities, Sessions, and Locations form the foundation of how information is presented to families and that leads to Users, Registrations, and Registration Forms

Activities without Sessions are just descriptions, they don’t give families the details they need to join. Sessions without aLocation are schedules without a meeting spot. And Sessions without an Activity are just a calendar and price with no clue what it’s for. You need all three, Activities, Locations, and Sessions, to give families the full picture of what your business offers.

Data Order

The way data connects is crucial and affects when it should be added. When creating Activities, Locations, and Sessions through the ActivityHero dashboard, the system ensures they are added in the correct sequence. However, when importing via templates, you need to follow the proper order manually.

Start by importing Locations and Activities—these are independent, so the order doesn’t matter, but they must come before Sessions. Once Locations and Activities are created, you can import Sessions for those Activities.

After Sessions are added, you can import Users, Registrations, and Discounts at any time. Registration Reports can’t be imported but they are connected to your Activities. By following this sequence, you'll establish a solid data foundation, ensuring all connected pieces integrate smoothly.

Getting Started

You can create new Locations, Activities, and Sessions directly through your ActivityHero Dashboard, or you can import this information in batches. Importing allows you to use templated spreadsheets to add multiple entries at once. There are templates for Locations, Activities, Sessions, Registrations, Discounts, and Users. Each template will contain different information with some of the info being required and some being optional. To make things easier, we’ve prepared a single downloadable file containing sample templates for all types of imports in ActivityHero.


Preparing Locations

To prepare the template to import your locations, have the details for each place you provide sessions ready. Below are some helpful tips on what to keep in mind when preparing your locations import template. 

  • A name for the location, address, city, state, and zip code are all required information. 
  • If the session is online, there is no need to add address, city, state or zip code.
  • State should be a two letter abbreviation like CA or TX.

If you want more details on importing locations or want to see a complete list of data fields click this link to our help article

Preparing Activities

To prepare the template to import your activities, have the details for each of your offerings like name, description, and itinerary ready. Below are some helpful tips on what to keep in mind when preparing your activities import template.

  • A Name, type, description, and registration form name are all required information. 
  • The types are Camp, Class or Workshop, Event, or Birthday Party. Type details can be found in your ActivityHero Dashboard.
  • The registration form name should be the name of the registration form in your Forms & Policies.

If you want more details on importing activities or want to see a complete list of data fields click this link to our help article

Preparing Sessions

To prepare the template to import your sessions, have the details for each of your schedules like dates, time, days of the week, and pricing ready. Below are some helpful tips on what to keep in mind when preparing your sessions import template. 

  • Location name, Activity name, session type, start date, end date, start time, end time, days of the week, minimum age in years, maximum age in years, price, price type, status, number of openings, and time zone are all required information. 
  • If the activity is online, enter "Online" for the location_name.
  • Session types are: series, single_day or monthly
  • Days of the week values are: sun,mon,tue,wed,thur,fri,sat
  • Price type is always per_session.
  • It’s best to set Status to Published. If you don't want this session to be shown on ActivityHero yet, set it to Unpublished.
  • If you want to record an external schedule id it should be a unique session number from your system.

If you want more details on importing sessions or want to see a complete list of data fields click this link to our help article

Other Imports

You may want to import other records including registrations, users, and discounts. We have indepth articles for each import. 

  • Registrations - Add registration data, usually from a different system, into ActivityHero. Including participant information, session, amounts, and more. 
  • Users - Add new families into ActivityHero.
  • Discounts - Add promo codes and early discounts.


Contact if you have questions or problems.