Once you have signed up on ActivityHero as a MarketingHero or SuperHero and added your upcoming sessions, ActivityHero promotes you in a variety of ways on a variety of channels:
- ActivityHero Marketplace: All activities that are published and have upcoming sessions are presented in the ActivityHero Marketplace. Please follow these guidelines to ensure that you have listed your activities correctly so that you can rank well in the ActivityHero Marketplace. Additionally, you can boost your activity in order to get guaranteed Sponsored placement.
- ActivityHero Email Newsletters
- We send out 2 newsletters every week to all our subscribers. Emails are personalized for each subscriber and all the activities have a fair chance to appear in the newsletters. Additionally, you can boost your activity in order to get guaranteed Sponsored placement in the newsletter.
- Social Media Platforms: We promote your activities and reviews in a variety of ways on various social media platforms. This can include both organic and paid promotion.
- YouTube
- Google
- Organic: As soon as you create and publish your listing on ActivityHero, all your business and activity pages are indexed by google and your listing may appear in organic search results for keywords that appear on your business page
- Paid: We run Google Ads (at not additional expense to you), to drive more traffic to your business pages. Just like organic search, google crawls all our web pages, including your business and activity pages on ActivityHero, determines the best keywords that people are searching for in order to drive registrations on ActivityHero. It may be category terms (such as soccer or art), or it may be your business name. Google selects the keywords, not the ActivityHero team.
- Press: ActivityHero may be mentioned in various blog articles or press mentions. Sometimes, activity providers are contacted for quotes or stories. The ActivityHero team can not guarantee press placements.
- Blog: ActivityHero maintains a blog with information for parents and activity providers. Blog features include both paid and non-paid editorial articles.