How do I set up a Payment Plan?

You can use ActivityHero's Payment Plan feature to give registrants the option to pay in monthly installments, or give the option of paying a deposit. Both options will automatically charge the remaining payment to the purchaser's credit card.

There are two options to begin setting up a payment plan:

1. Sign into your ActivityHero account
2. Select "Activities & Sessions" then choose "Payment Plan"



1. When creating a session the standard flow will take you through the "Payment Plan" option before publishing the session.


Note: Users will not have the option of choosing a payment plan if the session starts within 30 days, or if the final payment will be due within 30 days.

Two types of payment plans can be created. Monthly payment plans, and Deposit payment plans.

Deposit Plans

Deposit plans allow users to make a single payment up front, with the full remaining balance automatically charged on the due date.

This deposit can be a set dollar amount, or a percentage of the total registration fee:


Choose a due date for when the final balance will be charged:


Give this payment plan a name and select 'Save':


Monthly Payment Plans

Monthly payment plans allow users to make a single payment up front, with the remaining balance split into equal payments. The sooner a user registers for a session, the more opportunities they have to make payments.

1. Monthly payments with a deposit allow for a different amount to be charged up front, with the remaining balance broken into equal amounts:


2. Monthly payments without a deposit will automatically charge the user in equal monthly payments:


3. Enter a date for when the full balance must be paid, as well as the number of payments that may be charged. The number of payments a user makes will be based on the day they register, as well as the final due date.


The number you enter for the field "If you want to limit the number of payments, enter the maximum number here" is the number of installments after the initial payment or deposit has been made.

4. Enter a name for your payment plan and select 'Save':


Adding an existing Payment Plan to a Session

If you already have payment plans created, you can add them to any new sessions by selecting the check box on the 'Payment Plan' tab during creation of the session:


What Families See When They Register

On the Activity page, families can see that payment plans are available if you have enabled a payment plan on the session.


During the checkout process, the family can pick full payment or a payment plan.


The family will be shown the payment dates and amounts.


The registration confirmation email will show the total paid as well as the balance due.