Best Price Guarantee
Book with confidence! We want you to have peace of mind when booking through ActivityHero. We do our best to always offer you the best price, but if you find a lower price within 24 hours of booking, we’ll refund you 100% of the difference.
The lower price, including taxes and fees, must be an exact match to the activity, dates, session and options booked on, including a comparable cancellation policy.
Our Best Price Guarantee does not apply to prices that aren't available to the general public, such as those requiring a promo code, membership, residency requirements, corporate customers, military personnel, senior citizens, groups, and fares purchased through coupon promotions, loyalty and other reward programs. Activities that have been partially refunded or canceled are excluded from the Best Price Guarantee.
To request a price adjustment, submit a request and tell us where you saw the lower price. Please send the URL of the public site that shows the lower price and submit your request within the time limits for the Guarantee. We’ll verify the price and availability and issue you a price adjustment once it's confirmed.