What is the online registration widget?

ActivityHero makes it easy to add schedules and registration links to your website. 

After you enter your schedules on ActivityHero, they will instantly appear on your website when you add the widget code to your web page. Widgets show session availability, discounts, additional fees, and enable users to register online without leaving your website.

Create a New Widget

  1. Sign into your ActivityHero account and go to Dashboard Home
  2. Go to "Tools for Your Website" > "Online Registration Widget"
  3. Click the blue "Create Widget" button on the right side of the screen.
  4. Select the Locations you'd like to appear in your widget. Note: if you choose a location that is marked Unpublished or not-used, sessions marked with this location will not appear in the widget.location.png
  5. Choose a Widget type, and name your Widget. The Widget URL field will update automatically as you make changes.
  6. Click the "Create widget" button to generate your widget:button.png

Customize Your Widget

You can customize how the registration appears on your site. Just add a few items from the list below. Add the parameters to the Widget iframe URL, separated by ‘&’.

  • For example to show On-Demand activities only:
    Ex. src="https://www.activityhero.com/providers/schedule_widget?id=16225&on_demand=true"

Customize the Display Order of Activities on Widgets

By default, activities are ordered by start date, then alphabetically by activity name. However, you can customize order in which activities appear on your widgets/website using the "ordered_activities=" parameter. Be sure to include all activity ID's separated by commas.

To edit a Widget:

  1. Sign into your ActivityHero account and click Dashboard Home
  2. Go to "Tools for your Website" > "Online Registration Widget" 
  3. Click "edit" next to the Widget you would like to update
  4. Add parameters to the Widget iframe URL section using the format listed above.
  5. Click "Update Widget".

Widget Types

1. The List View uses photos and has a clean, modern layout for both desktop and mobile view. The first 250 characters of your activity description will appear in the widget.

List Widget in desktop view

List Widget in desktop view - multiple activities

List Widget in mobile view

2. The Calendar View displays a 1-week calendar view of your activities. This view is best if you hold many classes on multiple days, or have many single-day classes. With the Calendar View you have the option to include photos or leave them out. 

Calendar View with no photo

Calendar View with Photo

Widget Uses

There are three types of widgets available for use on your website. The one you use will vary based on how you would like to take registration.

1. Embed full widget directly on your page: This code states "Place this code wherever you want the widget to appear on your page". When you use this code, your widget will appear at full size and will include all sessions. Your web page will adjust to the size of the available sessions.

2. Embed full widget in an iframe on your page: This code states "If you just want to embed the widget in an iframe, use this code". Use this code if you are placing your widget inside a web page and do not want to adjust the overall size of the page. Instead your widget will appear within another box on the page, which will allow scrolling to see all available sessions.

3. Link to the widget via a button or other element on your web page: This code states "If you just want to link to the widget, use this code instead". The page that becomes available will now include your business branding. Parents will be able to log in or sign up to complete their registration. 

4. Your sessions are displayed in the widget based on the earliest session start and end dates. If the dates are the same, then the following criteria is used to sort the sessions:

  • Start and end time (earliest first)
  • Activity name
  • Session name
  • Grades (lowest first)
  • Ages (lowest first)
  • Price (lowest first)

If you would like more information on accepting registrations using ActivityHero call 800-437-6125 or email team@activityhero.com