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  2. Getting Started
  3. Completing your Business Listing

What is the Business Overview?

Your business info may be your first impression for a parent, or the place they go to to find out a bit more about you. Carefully filling out each field can be the difference between getting a registration or getting skipped over. Find out a bit more about each section below:

Contact Information
Business Name - This is the name the parents see on Activity Hero.
Tip: It doesn’t need to be your official business name, so you can try changing it to make it more attractive to parents.
Business Email - This is the address that will receive emails from ActivityHero. When a parent clicks “Contact Business” on your business page their email with be sent directly to the address in this field. 
Business Phone - This is the phone number that will be displayed for parents on your business page.
Mailing Address - This is for ActivityHero reporting purposes only, and is only shown to parents if it is also your location for in-person activities.
Website - The URL in this field will be used when a parent clicks on “Official Website” on your business page. Note: for Superhero accounts, your logo on ActivityHero will be linked to your website.
Business Details
Short Description (200 characters max) - This will be displayed first under your name on the business page. It may also be used if you make it into the newsletter.
Tip: Make this interesting and grabbing. It is one of the most important and visible descriptions of your business.
About - This is your time to explain your business and what makes you special. You may want to add the history of your program or your philosophy on happy children. 
Tip: no need to add schedules or discounts here. There are other sections for that. 
Qualifications and Background Checks - Tell us about certifications you or your staff have. This will be displayed in the Our Staff section of your business page.
Honors & Awards - Share any relevant honors, awards, or certifications you or your business has received. This will we displayed in the Awards section of your business page.
Social - Add your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Yelp URLs to allow parents to like and follow your business. Likes made on ActivityHero will show on Facebook, and social icons will appear on your business page.
Business Tax ID (Enter your business EIN, not SSN. This will be displayed to help parents at tax time) - Your activities can be considered child care and can be written off for taxes. Taking this into consideration ActivityHero gives you an easy way to email parents when tax season comes around. Add your Business EIN number here to send it to all parents for their taxes.
Logo, Photos & Video
Logo & Photos - Here you can upload a logo for your business, as well as business photos that showcase your activities. Business photos will be featured at the top of the page on your main business page.
Video - Videos are a great way to showcase your business. When you upload a video to your business listing, it will appear before your photos.