Early bird discounts and other discounts are a great way to get more registrations. You can easily make these discounts available on ActivityHero.
To add a discount:

- Early registration discount
- Sibling discount
- Multiple session discount
- Promo code discount (this is not displayed on your ActivityHero page)
- Other discount (this is not automatically applied)
- Entire Amount: This will apply the marked discount to all aspects of the registration fees, including the session price, additional fees, and extended care.
- Session Price Only: This will apply the discount to the listed price of the session only, not including any additional fees.
- Extended Care Only: This will apply the discount to the listed cost of extended care only, not including any additional fees.
- For sibling, multi-session and other discount types, only this description will be shown to the user. Be sure to mention in your description whether the first session is full price or if multiple discounts can be combined. The dollars off or % off that you entered into the other fields won't be shown to the user.
- For early registration and promo codes, the description won't be shown to the user. The description is for your use to record who it's for.

To apply the discount to all sessions, check the box at the top of the column, right below the words "Apply Discount."
Early Registration Discount
This discount will automatically apply to each registration before the expiration date (midnight Pacific Time)
The discount is shown in your listing as a strikeout price. The description field is not shown to users.
Sibling Discount
This discount will check the parent’s ActivityHero account. If the parent is registering multiple family members from the same account, and if the sessions follow the eligibility rule, they will be eligible for the sibling discount.
For sibling discounts, you'll need to make some selections.
- Minimum Number of siblings (Min. no. of siblings ):
If the minimum number of siblings is 2 or more, the parent needs to register at least 2 family members to redeem the discount. - Apply to:
Here you get to choose whether to exclude the initial sibling or apply to all siblings.
Choose "Exclude the initial sibling" only if sibling registered after the first child should have the discount applied. For example: "Sibling discount $20 off each additional family member that registers"
Choose “Apply to all siblings" if all family members should have the discount applied. For example: "If you sign up the whole family, each member receives $20 discount." - Eligibility rule:
You can decide whether the siblings need to register for the same session, same day, same week, etc. - Expiration date:
Here, set the date for when you'd like the discount to expire. An expiration date is required. - Description:
Tell the purchaser what qualifies the for the discount. This will be visible to the purchaser in the listing
Multiple Session Discount
This discount will check the child’s registered sessions for your business, and check for the schedules that the discount is applied to. If the child registers for the minimum number of sessions, and the discount expiration date has not passed, the discount will be applied. This even applies to past schedules.
For multiple session discounts, you'll need to make some selections.
- Minimum number of sessions (Min Sessions):
This is how many sessions the child must be registered to apply the discount. - Add more discount levels:
This allows you to offer deeper discounts when the purchaser registers for more sessions. If the discount should end after a certain number of sessions, enter 0 as the discount amount. - Apply to:
You can choose to exclude the initial session or apply to all sessions.
Choose "Exclude the initial session" only if sessions registered after the first should have the discount applied. For example, "Multi-session discount- $20 off each additional session."
Choose "Apply to all sessions" if all sessions should have the discount applied. For example, "Sign up for all camps, and receive a $20 discount for each."
Tip: If you only want the Multiple Session discount to apply to specific activities or a season try creating a different discount for each case. - Expiration date:
Choose an expiration date -- this is a required field. You can choose a date that works with your programming season. For example, if you want the discount to apply only during the spring semester, set the discount expiration date for early June. If you want the discount to align with the calendar year, and to apply to all sessions that occur between January-December, set the expiration date for December 31.
Important to note: You need to create a new multiple session discount each year (or season) to avoid making past sessions eligible for the discount. For example, if you have a multiple session discount for 2019 and you change the expiration date to Dec 2020 and add more eligible sessions, you'll be giving a discount to a family who has registered for any session in 2019 and 2020.
Promo code discount
Promo codes are not shown to purchasers in the ActivityHero listing. You can use it for private discounts, such as returning families or auction prizes, or to track purchases from flyers or other off-line advertising. You can set a maximum number of promo code uses.
When creating a Promo Code, you can decide if it is applied only once to the whole order at checkout or to every session in the customer's cart.
If you create a % off promo code, you can also choose how many sessions the discount can be applied to. For example, if you create a 50% off scholarship code and want it to be eligible for up to two sessions, you can enter "2" into the field. If you are giving a free week of camp for a school auction, you can set the maximum number of sessions to "1".
To allow only new users to use the Promo Code, check the box "Apply this discount only for new user."
A user can enter a promo code during checkout, and a discount will be applied if the code is valid and all conditions are met. Here's how the purchaser applies a promo code during checkout:
Other discount
The Other discount is not automatically applied by the ActivityHero system. These discounts will be displayed on the session, but must be given manually. For example, if you offer a referral discount that offers an incentive for referring a friend, you will determine if the participant qualifies for the discount, and then refund the participant for the amount of the discount.
More advice on discounts
See our blog article for information about the average discount amount at different times of the year. We also share strategies for early registrations discounts and rewarding your best customers.