When you need to register for a parent, ActivityHero gives you access to register in the dashboard tools.
To register a person that hasn't registered for one of your activities in the past:
1. Sign into your ActivityHero account
2. Select "Sessions & Content Manager"

3. Select the session, then click the "Register" button that is near the top of the screen

4. Fill out the minimum requirements for the registration form (all fields with a red asterisk *)
* Student/Participant First and Last name
* Contact Information Email Address
* Any specially added required fields
* Check to accept terms
Note: If there is an existing account with the email address, the new registration will be added into their account.
5. Click Continue to save the registration. The registration will now appear on your Registration Report with status of "pending." You can now record a payment received, or issue an invoice if you haven't received payment yet.
To register a person who has registered for one of your activities in the past:
1. Sign into your ActivityHero account
2. On the Registrations Reports page of your dashboard, search for the name of the person to be registered
3. Under the person's name and information click 

4. Click 

Tip: When registering a member, remember to invoice them for the activity. See more information on invoicing.

5. Find the desired session in the list
6. Click
to the right of the session info