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  2. Help for Families
  3. Signing Up for ActivityHero FAQ

How Do I Create A New Account?

When creating a new account at ActivityHero you can use an email address or phone number. Use whichever you prefer so you always have quick access. 

New Account

To create a new account click on the Sign In button then click the Create a new account button, or hover over the Sign In button at the top right of your screen and click Create a new account

Account Info

Enter in all of the required information and click Sign Up to create your new account. 

Email or phone number: Start typing your email address or phone number, and we’ll automatically recognize the difference. If you’ve added a phone number, make sure that the country code flag is correct. 

Password: The password field is optional. If you leave the password blank, we’ll automatically send a verification code to your email address or phone number. Fill in a password if you’d like to skip the verification code in the future. 

Full name: Enter your first and last name here.

Zip code: Enter your zip code into this required field. This field is required to show you relevant information. 


After you fill in the required information and click Sign Up, a verification code will be sent out. Check your phone for a text message or your email account for the verification code. 

For security reasons, the code will only be valid for five minutes, and you can see the timer count down. If for any reason you do not receive the verification code you can resend it to yourself by clicking the Resend Verification Code button. 

After you’ve entered the verification code, click Verify Code

Sign in with other accounts 

You also have the option to create a new account using your Google or Apple login. To do this, just click on your preferred account and log in to automatically create your new ActivityHero account. Then, anytime you need to sign into your ActivityHero account, you can use your Google or Apple info to sign in. 

Tip: You will know you are signed in if you see your name in the top right corner of the screen instead of 'Sign In'.